IN-09: McCain-Palin Brand of Hatred Seeping Downticket

After Sarah Palin kicked off the week by calling Barack Obama a friend of terrorists, we saw that her comments succeeded in whipping up the GOP ticket’s supporters into a froth of racial hatred. It was only a matter of time before downballot GOP candidates would take a page from the McCain-Palin playbook and crank up the hate:

[Mike] Sodrel, who faces U.S. Rep. Baron Hill, D-Ind., for a fourth consecutive 9th District election, said he believes Americans face losing liberties gained in the Revolutionary War if Obama defeats Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

Electing Obama also would mean more government regulation and higher taxes, Sodrel said.

“As your (county party) chairman pointed out, we’re in danger of electing a tyrant,” Sodrel said.

“I don’t think he’s a communist; (Karl) Marx said you had to do it with bullets. I think he’s a socialist, and he wants to do it with ballots,” Sodrel said.

And that’s not all — here’s what a sitting Republican Superior Court Justice in Indiana had to say at a recent GOP function, just minutes after Sodrel:

“I just want to point out he’s not a communist. He’s not a socialist. He’s a fascist,” said Superior Court 2 Judge Rod McGillivray, who is running against Democrat Kitty Coriden.

Let’s hope that election night will be an especially long one for these class acts.

(H/T: Blue Indiana)

6 thoughts on “IN-09: McCain-Palin Brand of Hatred Seeping Downticket”

  1. anyone with any type of educations know that you can’t ELECT a tyrant.


    tyrant- ?ta?r?nt[tahy-ruhnt]  noun

    a ruler who had seized power without legal right to it  

  2. McCain-Palin Brand of Hatred Seeping Downticket

    How’s that working out for them?

    McSame:  losing and going downhill

    Senate: Can we make it to the big Six-OH ?

    House: Twenty pick ups ? Thirty?

    These people are so freakin tone deaf. They’re running a national campaign as if it were a GOP primary.

    Are there bigots who go for this stuff? Oh, sure, my little hamlet is full of them. But even if McSame manages to win the electoral college (he will NOT win the national popular vote) he will NOT be able to govern or lead.

    It’s a fundamental lesson that the Newt/Rove/Cheney cabal doesn’t get.

  3. To think that an election where ideas are supposed to be exchanged and debated upon, that it has come to this. The argument? Don’t vote for Obama because he’s a socialist/facist/communist? I thought the Cold War ended 20 years ago!

    Why isn’t there more outrage from the progressive modern America over the stupid red neck America? C’mon, people! Stand up and start fighting for your country! I’m getting sick and tired of these hillbillies running amok and getting away with it!

  4. “I just want to point out he’s not a communist. He’s not a socialist. He’s a fascist,” said Superior Court 2 Judge Rod McGillivray

    Amazing that a judge doesn’t even know what fascism is, much less impartial justice.

    Is this McCain’s strategy? Falsely accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of? “Country first”?

    The reason why Obama was declared “most liberal” by the National Journal is because he’s been very successful in opposing the Bush-Cheney fascist regime.

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